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Our Kids Are Kayaking Now!

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

Kids kayaking
Kids kayaking

Oh Ontario! We are a land of lakes!

We live in Ontario, in the Great Lake region. We have more than 250,000 lakes in Ontario that contain about one-fifth of worlds fresh water. Reference here: About Ontario.

So what could be a better option when it comes to enjoying the nature than being on the water?

Our girls know how to swim, from the age of 3. We taught them how to swim with the aim that they are going to be the children of water and they need to know how to swim to truly enjoy the beauty around them. They need to feel safe and comfortable in their minds to be able to do it by themselves. Well here they are! Finally! Our Kids are kayaking! Irene already knew how to swim and Sofia learned last summer (2022). And they are not afraid anymore.

We took the girls to camping few times this year (2023), with one more due soon. And of all the activities, being in the water and the beaches was of course their first priority!

The campgrounds we visited so far this year are:

  • Algonquin - Lake Of Two Rivers Campground

  • Six Mile Lake Provincial Park

  • Arrowhead Provincial Park

By the way, before we took them to the lakes, we did run few training sessions on our pool, as you can see from the photos below :)

Stay blessed, my friends!

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